

My fingers caress your skin
Soft and cool to the touch
Exposed to the breeze
Coming through the open window

Your breathing is heavy
And slow
Ever so neatly complying
With everything else you are
And your heart beats slowly
In perfect timing
In symmetry
With your world

I listen in
Hold you close
And imagine what you would think of
In that amazing head of yours

In the end
I'm only grateful
To be in your presence
To know your voice
Your heart
Your mind
Your touch
Everything that makes you

And I keep you
Next to my beating heart
Letting you in
But not near enough to hurt
I couldn't stand the hurt

I let your naïveté show me
That the world mustn't be so dark
So depressing
So full of sadness and pain
That people may have more
Than meets the eye

I let your sunshine
Block out my darkness

I let your warmth
Melt my frozen wastes

And I wish
In my realism
Maybe pessimism
That it might be so simple

I kiss your shoulder
It is cool against my burning lips
Exposed to the breeze
Coming through the open window
My thoughts rotate and form new ones
Collapsing in on themselves
And duplicating into what they once weren't
And now might be

How you keep me sane
I will never know
Do you?
I think

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